Sunday 30 September 2012


Have you ever thought about the things that God provides us with?

Often we think in huge terms, things like homes, jobs, cars, etc. But have you ever considered the little things?

The other day, I did an extra day of sorting at our local Bargain Centre. Now, sorting means being out in a hot, dusty shed, surrounded by bags and bags of donations- all gratefully received. Being Spring, with the weather warming rapidly and trees and flowers blooming everywhere, it's also hayfever season. So, add to that the dusty shed and bags of donations and what happened was a bout of hayfever, sneezing, runny nose and eyes- and I was very glad to have been alone. However, what it also meant was I quickly realised I had embarked on this morning of sorting unprepared.

After half an hour of the usual aforementioned symptoms, I finally prayed and God, in His awesomeness, provided. The next bag I opened contained masses of toddler clothing, mostly pink indicating it belonged (hopefully) to a girl but there was also a neatly folded, pressed and clean men's handkerchief.

GOD PROVIDES EVERYTHING!! Even the little things. Take care, don't overlook them.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (MATTHEW 7:7)

God bless you all.

Love Toni

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